Moissanite is a popular gemstone that offers the same stunning appearance as a diamond but at a lower cost. Its rising popularity can be attributed to factors such as affordability, durability, and eco-friendly nature.

Moissanite is graded based on its color, cut, carat weight, and clarity, which all contribute to its pricing. The cost of moissanite engagement rings can range from $500 to $3,000 or more, depending on the size, quality, and design of the ring.

When comparing moissanite to natural diamonds, moissanite offers significant savings of 20% to 50%. To buy a moissanite ring with clarity, it is recommended to choose Forever One moissanite, which is known for its colorless and high-quality characteristics.

Overall, moissanite is a popular and cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds for those looking for a beautiful and affordable gemstone.

Key Takeaways:

  • Moissanite offers the same stunning appearance as a diamond but at a lower cost.
  • Factors such as color, cut, carat weight, and clarity contribute to the pricing of moissanite.
  • Moissanite engagement rings can range in cost from $500 to $3,000 or more.
  • Choosing Forever One moissanite ensures colorless and high-quality characteristics.
  • Moissanite provides significant savings of 20% to 50% compared to natural diamonds.

The Rising Popularity of Moissanite Engagement Rings

Moissanite engagement rings have gained immense popularity as an alternative to traditional diamond rings. These stunning rings offer a captivating sparkle and a fraction of the price, making them an attractive choice for couples.

One of the main reasons for the rising trend in moissanite engagement rings is their affordability. Couples can enjoy the breathtaking beauty of moissanite without breaking the bank. With the rising costs of diamonds, many couples are opting for moissanite as a more cost-effective option.

Moissanite is also recognized as an excellent diamond alternative. Its brilliance and fire are comparable to diamonds, creating a mesmerizing appearance that catches the eye. Additionally, moissanite’s durability ensures that the ring maintains its sparkle and beauty over time, making it a reliable choice for an engagement ring.

The eco-friendly aspect of moissanite is another significant factor contributing to its popularity. Unlike diamonds that require extensive mining, moissanite is mostly lab-created. This process minimizes the environmental impact, making it an appealing choice for couples who prioritize sustainability.

Overall, the rising popularity of moissanite engagement rings can be attributed to their affordability, stunning appearance, durability, and eco-friendly nature. Many couples are embracing this trend and choosing moissanite as their preferred engagement ring option.

The Discovery of Moissanite

In 1893, Henri Moissan, a French chemist, made a groundbreaking discovery while examining a meteorite crater. He stumbled upon diamond-like particles that, upon further examination, turned out to be silicone carbide. This unique mineral, known as moissanite, was named after its discoverer.

What made Moissan’s discovery even more remarkable was the fact that natural moissanite is incredibly rare. As a result, the majority of moissanite available in the market today is lab-created. The scarcity of natural moissanite contributes to the gemstone’s value and desirability as a rare mineral.

Discovery of Moissanite

“Moissanite, a mineral of rare occurrence, has in recent years become an important gemstone and accordingly a serious competitor of diamond. Not only does it have much the same brilliance and “fire” as diamond, but it is also harder and therefore less liable to injury through ordinary wear.”

Lab-created moissanite offers a more abundant and sustainable alternative to natural diamonds, making it an increasingly popular choice in jewelry. These lab-grown gemstones possess the same stunning beauty and brilliance as their natural counterparts, while being more accessible and affordable.

How Much Do Moissanite Diamonds Cost?

The cost of moissanite diamonds can vary depending on several factors. Similar to other gemstones, moissanite is priced based on its color, cut, carat weight, and clarity.

Color Grading

Color grading determines the presence of any yellow or green tones in moissanite. Colorless moissanite is considered the most highly valued.

Cut Grading

Cut grading takes into account the polish, symmetry, and light performance of moissanite. The cut of the stone plays a significant role in determining its beauty and sparkle.

Carat Weight

The size and weight of a moissanite diamond, known as its carat weight, can influence its price. Heavier carats generally command a higher price.

Clarity Grading

Clarity grading considers the presence of any inclusions or imperfections within the moissanite diamond. Better clarity results in more sparkle and light performance.

On average, a 1-carat moissanite diamond can cost around $600, while a 2-carat moissanite diamond can cost approximately $1,200. The price of moissanite diamonds continues to increase for larger carat weights.

Compared to natural diamonds of similar quality, moissanite offers significant cost savings of 20% to 50%. This makes moissanite an attractive choice for those looking for a beautiful and sparkling gemstone at a more affordable price.

Overall, the cost of moissanite diamonds is influenced by factors such as color, cut, carat weight, and clarity. By considering these factors, individuals can find a moissanite diamond that fits their budget without compromising on beauty and brilliance.

How Are Moissanite Graded?

Moissanite, a stunning gemstone, is graded based on various factors that determine its quality and pricing. Understanding the grading system is essential when purchasing moissanite jewelry. The four main grading factors for moissanite are color, cut, carat weight, and clarity. Let’s explore each grading factor in detail:

Color Grading for Moissanite

Moissanite is categorized into different color grades, ranging from colorless to tones of color. The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) grades moissanite on a scale from D to K. Colorless moissanite, with grades D, E, and F, is the most valuable and desired due to its pristine appearance. Near colorless moissanite is graded G, H, and I, while grades J and K exhibit slight color tones. By selecting moissanite with higher color grades, you can ensure a more brilliant and visually appealing gemstone.

Cut Grading for Moissanite

The cut of a moissanite stone plays a crucial role in its overall beauty and light performance. Cut grading considers factors such as polish, symmetry, and proportions. A well-cut moissanite will reflect light effectively, creating mesmerizing sparkles and maximizing its brilliance. The ideal cut for moissanite depends on its shape, with different cuts having specific ideal proportions. It’s important to choose a moissanite with an excellent cut to enhance its visual appeal.

Carat Weight in Moissanite

Carat weight refers to the size and weight of the moissanite stone. As carat weight increases, so does the size and price of the moissanite. Larger carat weights tend to be more expensive compared to smaller ones. It’s crucial to consider the desired carat weight when selecting a moissanite stone, ensuring it meets your preferences and budget.

Clarity Grading for Moissanite

Clarity grading evaluates the presence of any inclusions or imperfections within the moissanite stone. A higher clarity grade indicates fewer inclusions, resulting in better sparkle and light performance. When examining moissanite, look for stones with minimal inclusions or imperfections for the best visual appearance.

By considering the color, cut, carat weight, and clarity grading factors, you can choose high-quality moissanite jewelry that meets your preferences and budget. Remember, selecting moissanite with high grades in each of these categories will ensure a visually stunning and valuable gemstone.

Grading Factor Grade Categories
Color Grades D, E, F – Colorless
Grades G, H, I – Near Colorless
Grades J, K – Tones of Color
Cut Excellent, Very Good, Good, Fair, Poor
Carat Weight Varies based on stone size and weight
Clarity Internally Flawless (IF)
Very Very Slightly Included (VVS1, VVS2)
Very Slightly Included (VS1, VS2)
Slightly Included (SI1, SI2)
Included (I1, I2, I3)

Moissanite Engagement Ring Cost

The cost of moissanite engagement rings can vary depending on factors such as the size, quality, and design of the ring. On average, a moissanite engagement ring can range from $500 to $3,000 or more.

The price of a moissanite engagement ring is influenced by several key factors:

  1. Carat Weight: The size of the moissanite stone plays a significant role in determining the cost of the ring. Generally, higher carat weights command higher prices.
  2. Color: Moissanite is available in various colors, ranging from colorless to near-colorless. Colorless moissanite is typically more expensive and highly valued.
  3. Cut: The cut of the moissanite stone determines its brilliance and sparkle. Well-cut stones with excellent light performance are priced higher.
  4. Clarity: The presence of inclusions or imperfections within the moissanite stone affects its clarity. Stones with better clarity and fewer inclusions usually have a higher price tag.

Compared to natural diamond engagement rings, moissanite offers significant cost savings. On average, moissanite rings are priced 20% to 50% lower than diamond rings of similar quality and size.

Choosing a moissanite engagement ring allows couples to enjoy the same beauty, sparkle, and elegance as a diamond ring at a more affordable cost. With the cost savings, couples can invest in other aspects of their lives or even upgrade the size or design of the ring.

When selecting a moissanite engagement ring, it is important to prioritize factors such as carat weight, color, cut, and clarity to ensure you find a high-quality and visually appealing gemstone that fits your budget.

Moissanite Engagement Ring

By choosing an affordable moissanite engagement ring, you can celebrate your love with a stunning and meaningful piece of jewelry without breaking the bank.

Moissanite vs Natural Diamond Pricing

When it comes to comparing the prices of moissanite and natural diamonds, there is a significant cost difference. Moissanite engagement rings offer substantial savings of 20% to 50% when compared to diamond engagement rings of similar size and quality.

For instance, a 1-carat moissanite can cost around $600, whereas a 1-carat diamond can set you back approximately $5,000! As carat weight increases, the price disparity between moissanite and diamonds becomes even more pronounced. Consider this: a 2-carat moissanite can be purchased for around $1,200, while a 2-carat diamond can cost over $10,000!

This significant price difference makes moissanite an incredibly attractive and affordable alternative to natural diamonds. With moissanite, you can enjoy the beauty and sparkle of a stunning gemstone without the hefty price tag.

Why Choose Moissanite?

“Moissanite offers the same level of brilliance and sparkle as a diamond, but at a fraction of the price.”

For individuals seeking a beautiful and affordable gemstone for their jewelry, moissanite is the perfect choice. Its affordability allows you to save significantly while still enjoying the captivating beauty of a shimmering stone. Whether you’re looking for an engagement ring, earrings, or a pendant, moissanite offers a stunning and cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds.

Savings on Moissanite Engagement Rings

One of the most popular uses for moissanite is in engagement rings. Couples looking to symbolize their love and commitment can purchase moissanite engagement rings at a fraction of the cost of diamond rings. By choosing moissanite, you can allocate your savings towards other aspects of your life together.

Moissanite engagement rings not only offer outstanding savings but also dazzle with their brilliance and fire. Your ring will showcase the same elegance and sophistication as a diamond ring, without the exorbitant price.

Moreover, moissanite is an eco-friendly choice due to its lab-created nature. By opting for moissanite, you can have peace of mind knowing that your gemstone is both exquisite and sustainable.

Moissanite as an Affordable Alternative to Diamonds

Moissanite’s affordability has positioned it as a highly sought-after alternative to natural diamonds. Its stunning optical properties and durability make it an excellent choice for various jewelry pieces, from engagement rings to earrings and necklaces.

“Choosing a moissanite offers the opportunity to enjoy the beauty and elegance of a diamond-like gemstone at a fraction of the cost.”

With moissanite, you don’t have to compromise on quality or sparkle. Its brilliance rivals that of diamonds, and its attractive price point allows you to own a magnificent piece of jewelry without breaking the bank.

Buy Your Moissanite Ring with Clarity

When it comes to purchasing a moissanite ring, it’s essential to choose a reputable retailer that offers high-quality moissanite stones. With Clarity is a trusted moissanite ring retailer known for its commitment to excellence and stunning collection. One of their top offerings is the Forever One Moissanite, which is renowned for its colorless and high-quality characteristics.

Forever One Moissanite has set the global standard for moissanite quality, ensuring that you’ll be getting a gemstone of exceptional beauty and brilliance. Whether you’re looking for a petite and delicate ring or a statement piece, With Clarity offers a wide range of carat sizes and metal options to suit your unique style and preferences.

The prices for Forever One Moissanite engagement rings at With Clarity vary depending on the size and design of the ring. You can find options starting at $600 and going up to $3,000 or more. This range allows you to choose a moissanite ring that fits your budget without compromising on quality or style.

By purchasing your moissanite ring with clarity from a reliable retailer like With Clarity, you can have complete confidence in the quality, craftsmanship, and beauty of your chosen gemstone.

Why Choose With Clarity?

With Clarity is committed to providing customers with an exceptional shopping experience and the highest quality moissanite rings. Here are some reasons to consider buying your moissanite ring with clarity from this reputable retailer:

  • Extensive Selection: With Clarity offers a wide range of moissanite engagement rings in various styles, sizes, and designs, ensuring that you’ll find the perfect ring to symbolize your love.
  • High-Quality Moissanite: With Clarity’s Forever One Moissanite is known for its colorless and high-quality characteristics, delivering the beauty and brilliance you desire.
  • Transparent Pricing: With Clarity provides clear and transparent pricing for their moissanite engagement rings, allowing you to make an informed decision within your budget.
  • Excellent Customer Service: With Clarity’s knowledgeable and friendly customer service team is dedicated to assisting you throughout your buying journey, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable experience.
  • Ethically Sourced Gemstones: With Clarity is committed to ethical sourcing and provides customers with moissanite rings that are both stunning and sustainable.

With all these advantages, it’s no wonder that With Clarity is a trusted retailer for moissanite rings. When you choose to buy your moissanite ring with clarity, you’re making a wise investment in a beautiful and ethically sourced gemstone that will bring joy for a lifetime.

Lab Diamonds vs Moissanite

Lab diamonds and moissanite are both popular alternatives to natural diamonds, offering unique characteristics and affordability. While they share similarities as alternative gemstones, there are distinct differences between lab diamonds and moissanite that are worth considering when choosing the perfect stone for your jewelry.

Chemical Composition and Physical Properties

Lab Diamonds: Lab diamonds are grown in a laboratory using advanced technology and have the same chemical composition and physical properties as natural diamonds. They are composed of carbon atoms arranged in a crystal lattice structure, resulting in the same hardness and brilliance as natural diamonds.

Moissanite: Moissanite, on the other hand, is made of silicon carbide and has different chemical and physical properties. Although it shares similarities with diamonds in terms of hardness, it has a higher refractive index, which means it has more sparkle and fire than diamonds.

Appearance and Visual Appeal

Sparkle and Brilliance: Moissanite’s higher refractive index gives it a unique sparkle and brilliance that is different from diamonds. It exhibits a colorful display of fire, which can be very appealing to those seeking a gemstone with exceptional sparkles.

Transparency: Lab diamonds, on the other hand, offer a diamond-like appearance with less color and more transparency. They exhibit a remarkable clarity and transparency that closely resembles natural diamonds.


In terms of price, moissanite is significantly more affordable than lab diamonds. The cost savings when choosing moissanite instead of a lab diamond can range from 20% to 50%, making it an attractive option for those who want a beautiful gemstone without breaking the bank.

Lab Diamonds Moissanite
Appearance Closely resembles natural diamonds Higher refractive index for more sparkle and fire
Price Higher cost Significantly more affordable

Ultimately, the choice between lab diamonds and moissanite depends on personal preference and budget. Lab diamonds offer a diamond-like appearance and durability, closely resembling natural diamonds. On the other hand, moissanite offers unique sparkle and fire at a more affordable price point. Whether you choose lab diamonds or moissanite, both options provide stunning and high-quality alternatives to natural diamonds for your jewelry needs.


Moissanite presents an excellent alternative to natural diamonds, offering a stunning, durable, and affordable option for engagement rings. Its popularity continues to rise due to its unique sparkle, eco-friendly nature, and affordability. Factors such as color, cut, carat weight, and clarity play a significant role in determining the pricing of moissanite, making it a customizable choice for every budget.

By choosing moissanite, couples can enjoy substantial savings ranging from 20% to 50% compared to diamond engagement rings of similar quality. Retailers like With Clarity offer high-quality moissanite options, notably the Forever One Moissanite, ensuring that you can purchase a beautiful and responsibly sourced gemstone. Whether you opt for moissanite or diamonds, it is crucial to find a ring that aligns with your personal style, budget, and values.

In conclusion, moissanite provides an attractive alternative to traditional diamond engagement rings, combining affordability, durability, and exquisite beauty. With its lower price point and unique sparkle, moissanite continues to gain popularity among couples seeking a high-quality gemstone that doesn’t break the bank. Consider the various factors that influence moissanite pricing, choose a reputable retailer, and make a well-informed decision to find the perfect ring that reflects your love and individuality.


What factors affect the cost of moissanite?

The cost of moissanite is influenced by factors such as color, cut, carat weight, and clarity.

Why are moissanite engagement rings becoming more popular?

Moissanite engagement rings are gaining popularity due to their affordability, stunning appearance, durability, and eco-friendly nature.

How was moissanite discovered?

Moissanite was discovered by Henri Moissan in 1893 when he found diamond-like particles in a meteorite crater.

How much do moissanite diamonds cost?

The cost of moissanite diamonds can vary, but on average, a 1-carat moissanite can cost around $600.

How are moissanite graded?

Moissanite is graded based on color, cut, carat weight, and clarity.

What is the cost of a moissanite engagement ring?

The cost of a moissanite engagement ring can range from $500 to $3,000 or more, depending on factors like size, quality, and design.

How does the price of moissanite compare to natural diamonds?

Moissanite offers significant cost savings of 20% to 50% compared to natural diamonds of similar quality.

Where can I buy a moissanite ring with clarity?

You can purchase a moissanite ring with clarity from reputable retailers like With Clarity, which offers high-quality moissanite options, such as Forever One Moissanite.

What are the differences between lab diamonds and moissanite?

Lab diamonds are chemically and physically the same as natural diamonds, while moissanite is made of silicon carbide and has different properties. Additionally, moissanite is significantly more affordable than lab diamonds.

Why should I consider moissanite as an alternative to natural diamonds?

Moissanite is a cost-effective alternative to natural diamonds that offers stunning beauty, durability, and affordability.

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Moissanite Jewellery,

Last Update: February 7, 2024