Welcome to our detailed exploration of moissanite and diamonds, two popular options for engagement rings and other jewelry. In this article, we will compare these precious gemstones, highlighting their differences in origin, price, brilliance, and more. Whether you’re considering a diamond alternative or simply want to learn more about these stunning gems, we’ve got you covered.

Key Takeaways:

  • Moissanite and diamonds have distinct differences in origin, price, color, hardness, and brilliance.
  • Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone, while diamonds are naturally occurring.
  • Moissanite is significantly more affordable than diamonds.
  • Both moissanite and diamonds are highly durable.
  • Moissanite often displays more brilliance, while diamonds reflect whiter light.

What is Moissanite?

Moissanite is a fascinating lab-created gemstone known for its stunning beauty and affordability. Made from silicon carbide, this near-colorless gemstone possesses properties that closely resemble those of diamonds.

Moissanite owes its name to Henri Moissan, the renowned French chemist who first discovered it in a meteor crater in Arizona back in 1893. Initially, Moissan mistook it for diamonds due to its remarkable sparkle, but after further analysis, he identified it as a separate and distinct mineral.

Since then, scientists have successfully recreated Moissanite in a controlled laboratory environment, making it more accessible to consumers. This lab-created gemstone has become a popular choice as an alternative to diamonds, offering affordability without compromising on elegance.

One of the key advantages of Moissanite is its near-colorless appearance. While it may display a slight yellow or greenish tint in certain lighting conditions, advancements in Moissanite production have led to the development of high-quality colorless variations. These colorless Moissanite stones, such as Forever Brilliant and Forever One, can closely resemble diamonds in terms of their clarity and brilliance.

Overall, Moissanite is an exceptional option for those seeking a beautiful and affordable gemstone with properties similar to diamonds. Its lab-created nature ensures greater accessibility and a lower price point, making it a popular choice for engagement rings, earrings, and other exquisite jewelry pieces.

Moissanite vs. Diamond: Price

When it comes to price, moissanite offers a more budget-friendly option compared to diamonds of similar size and quality. The cost of diamonds can vary significantly based on factors known as the 4 C’s: cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. On the other hand, the pricing of moissanite stones is typically based on their size in millimeters.

A direct comparison of prices between moissanite and diamonds reveals that moissanite is more affordable. However, it’s important to note that the beauty and lasting value of each stone differ.

Moissanite Diamond
Price Range $$ $$$$
Factors Affecting Price Size in millimeters 4 C’s: Cut, color, clarity, carat weight
Cost Comparison More affordable Relatively expensive

As the table above illustrates, moissanite falls within a lower price range compared to diamonds. While diamonds can be significantly more expensive due to their natural rarity and the influence of the 4 C’s, moissanite provides an excellent option for those seeking an alternative that fits their budget without compromising on style.

“Moissanite offers an affordable alternative to diamonds, allowing individuals to express their personal style without breaking the bank.”

Moissanite vs. Diamond: Color

When comparing moissanite and diamonds, one aspect that often comes up is color. Historically, moissanite had a yellowish or greenish tint, which affected its overall appearance. However, with advancements in moissanite production, high-quality colorless moissanite options are now available.

Diamond Color Grading: Diamonds are graded on a color scale ranging from D (colorless) to Z (yellowish). This color grading system helps to determine the overall quality and value of a diamond.

Moissanite Color: Unlike diamonds, moissanite is not categorized by color grading. However, depending on the particular stone, moissanite can resemble the K grade on the diamond color scale. It’s important to note that the yellowish or greenish tint that was once characteristic of moissanite has been greatly minimized with the introduction of colorless moissanite options.

If you’re looking for colorless moissanite alternatives, two popular options are:

  • Forever Brilliant Moissanite: This type of moissanite is known for its high brilliance and colorless appearance. It offers a stunning alternative to traditional diamonds.
  • Forever One Moissanite: Another colorless moissanite option is Forever One. It is highly regarded for its exceptional brilliance and its close resemblance to diamonds.

By choosing colorless moissanite options like Forever Brilliant or Forever One, you can enjoy the beauty and brilliance of a diamond-like stone without the yellowish or greenish tint associated with moissanite in the past.

Expert Insight:

“With advancements in moissanite production, colorless moissanite options like Forever Brilliant and Forever One have paved the way for a beautiful and high-quality alternative to diamonds. These colorless moissanite stones exhibit brilliance similar to diamonds, making them an attractive choice for those who prefer a more economical option without compromising on aesthetics.”
– Gemologist Sofia Rodriguez

Moissanite vs. Diamond: Hardness

Hardness is an important factor to consider when comparing moissanite and diamonds. While diamonds are renowned for being the hardest naturally occurring mineral, scoring a perfect 10 on the Mohs scale, moissanite is also highly durable. It scores between 9.25-9.5 on the Mohs scale, making it one of the hardest gemstones available.

This high level of hardness ensures that both moissanite and diamonds are suitable for daily wear. They are resistant to scratching and chipping, making them durable gemstone options for engagement rings and other jewelry pieces. Whether you choose moissanite or diamonds, you can rely on their ability to withstand everyday wear without losing their beauty.

To illustrate the hardness comparison visually, below is a table showing the Mohs scale rankings for various gemstones, including moissanite and diamonds:

Gemstone Mohs Scale Ranking
Moissanite 9.25-9.5
Diamond 10
Ruby 9
Sapphire 9
Topaz 8

Moissanite vs. Diamond Hardness

As the table demonstrates, both moissanite and diamonds rank high on the Mohs scale, surpassing other popular gemstones like ruby and sapphire. This reaffirms their position as durable and long-lasting gemstone options.

Moissanite vs. Diamond: Brilliance

When it comes to brilliance, moissanite truly shines and often exceeds the sparkle of diamonds. This is due to its unique double refractive nature, which sets it apart from diamonds and other gemstones. Moissanite’s double refractive property means that light entering the stone is split into two different paths, creating a mesmerizing rainbow-like effect.

The way moissanite is cut is also different from diamonds. To maximize its brilliance and fire, moissanite is typically cut with more facets than diamonds. These additional facets enhance the stone’s ability to reflect light, resulting in a breathtaking display of sparkle and brilliance.

On the other hand, diamonds reflect white light more intensely, creating a distinct and classic brilliance. While diamonds do not display the same rainbow-like effect as moissanite, their brilliance is characterized by a beautiful and pure white light reflection.

Moissanite vs. Diamond: A Visual Comparison

To better understand the difference in brilliance between moissanite and diamonds, take a look at the images below:

Moissanite Diamond
Exhibits a vibrant and colorful rainbow-like effect Reflects white light with a classic and timeless brilliance
Increased number of facets for enhanced sparkle Less facets, but an intense white light reflection

“Moissanite’s brilliance is truly mesmerizing. The way it sparkles and radiates with colorful flashes is nothing short of sensational.” – Gemologist Emma Thompson

Whether you prefer the rainbow-like effect and enhanced sparkle of moissanite or the classic, pure white brilliance of diamonds, both gemstones offer their own unique beauty. It ultimately comes down to personal preference and the aesthetic you are drawn to the most.

Can Moissanite be Considered a Diamond?

While moissanite resembles the appearance of a diamond, it is not a diamond. Moissanite is considered a diamond alternative and is lab-grown using silicon carbide. It has properties that are similar to diamonds but is distinct from natural diamonds.

Moissanite’s lab-grown nature and composition make it an attractive alternative to diamonds. It shares many of the characteristics that people value in diamonds, such as brilliance and durability. However, it is essential to remember that moissanite is a unique gemstone with its own distinct properties.

Unlike diamonds, which form naturally over thousands of years, moissanite is created in a controlled environment. Through advanced scientific processes, silicon carbide is transformed into exquisite moissanite gemstones that offer remarkable beauty and remarkable similarity to diamonds.

One of the significant advantages of moissanite as a diamond alternative is its affordability. Moissanite is often priced significantly lower than diamonds of comparable size and quality. This makes it a popular choice for individuals seeking the elegance and sparkle of a diamond without the hefty price tag.

Furthermore, the properties of moissanite, including its high refractive index and exceptional brilliance, make it a visually stunning gemstone. With its rainbow-like effect, moissanite can even surpass the sparkle of a diamond, giving it its unique appeal.

While moissanite is not a diamond, it offers individuals the opportunity to own a beautiful and affordable gemstone that captures the essence of a diamond. Whether you choose moissanite or a diamond depends on your personal preferences, budget, and the significance you place on natural versus lab-grown gemstones.

Moissanite as a Sustainable Choice

Another aspect to consider when contemplating moissanite as a diamond alternative is its eco-friendly nature. Lab-grown moissanite reduces the environmental impact associated with diamond mining. By opting for a moissanite engagement ring or jewelry piece, you are making a conscious choice for sustainability and ethical gemstone sourcing.

How to Tell the Difference Between Moissanite and Diamond

Experienced jewelers possess the expertise to discern the disparities between moissanite and diamonds. Nevertheless, individuals also have access to tester tools available in the market to aid in identification.

When examining visual appearance, moissanite distinguishes itself from diamonds through its superior refractive index and dispersion. This results in heightened brilliance and iridescence compared to diamonds. The mesmerizing sparkle of moissanite is a testament to its unique optical properties.

Another differentiating factor is electrical conductivity. Moissanite differs from diamonds in this aspect as it acts as a conductor of electricity, while diamonds function as insulators. This dissimilarity can prove useful in pinpointing the authenticity of gemstones.

In summary, visual appearance, refractive index, and electrical conductivity are crucial elements in telling the difference between moissanite and diamonds. With careful observation or the aid of professional tools, individuals can confidently distinguish between the two gemstones.

Distinguishing Characteristics of Moissanite and Diamond

Distinguishing Factors Moissanite Diamond
Origin Lab-created Naturally occurring
Visual Appearance Higher refractive index and dispersion Lowers refractive index and dispersion
Electrical Conductivity Conductor Insulator

Advantages of Moissanite over Diamonds

When it comes to choosing between moissanite and diamonds, moissanite offers several advantages that make it an attractive option. Let’s explore the key benefits of moissanite over diamonds:

  1. Lower Cost: One of the significant advantages of moissanite is its lower cost compared to diamonds. Due to its controlled production environment, moissanite is priced significantly less, allowing you to get a larger and more impressive stone for your budget.
  2. Exceptional Brilliance: Moissanite possesses a high refractive index, leading to exceptional brilliance. Its ability to reflect light gives it an intense sparkle that rivals, and in some cases, surpasses that of diamonds. When it comes to catching the eye with brilliance, moissanite shines.
  3. Durability: Another advantage of moissanite is its remarkable durability. With a score of 9.25-9.5 on the Mohs scale, moissanite is highly resistant to scratches and everyday wear. This durability ensures that your moissanite jewelry will remain beautiful and radiant for years to come.

With these advantages, moissanite offers an attractive alternative to diamonds, providing affordability, brilliance, and durability that can rival traditional diamond jewelry. Whether you’re looking for an engagement ring or a beautiful piece of jewelry, moissanite is an excellent option that combines style and value.

Advantages of Moissanite over Diamonds

Advantages Moissanite Diamonds
Cost Significantly Lower Higher
Brilliance Exceptional White Light Reflection
Durability High High

Disadvantages of Moissanite over Diamonds

While moissanite offers several advantages over diamonds, it also has a few disadvantages that some individuals may consider when making a choice. It’s essential to weigh these factors to ensure you make an informed decision when selecting the perfect gemstone for your jewelry.

  1. Less Rare: One disadvantage of moissanite is that it is not as rare as diamonds. Diamonds are widely recognized for their scarcity and desirability, making them a timeless symbol of luxury and prestige.
  2. Lower Hardness: Although moissanite is highly durable and suitable for everyday wear, diamonds have a slightly higher hardness on the Mohs scale. This means that diamonds are more resistant to scratches and abrasions compared to moissanite.

Despite these drawbacks, it’s important to remember that moissanite is still an excellent option for those seeking an affordable and visually stunning alternative to diamonds. Its unique qualities and affordability make moissanite a popular choice for many individuals.

Other Alternatives to Diamonds

In addition to moissanite, there are several other alternatives to natural diamonds. These alternatives offer different features and characteristics while providing budget-friendly options for those seeking diamond-like stones.

Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-grown diamonds are an excellent alternative to natural diamonds. They are virtually identical in appearance and properties to mined diamonds but are created in a controlled environment. Lab-grown diamonds offer the same hardness, brilliance, and durability as natural diamonds.

Cubic Zirconia

Cubic zirconia is a popular diamond simulant that is widely used in jewelry. It is a crystalline form of zirconium dioxide and closely resembles the look of a diamond. While cubic zirconia is not as durable as diamonds or moissanite, it is a cost-effective option for those who want the appearance of a diamond without the hefty price tag.

White Sapphire

White sapphire is another alternative to diamonds, known for its brilliance and durability. While it may not possess the same level of sparkle as a diamond, it is a viable option for those seeking a clear and colorless gemstone.


YAG, or yttrium aluminum garnet, is a synthetic gemstone commonly used as a diamond substitute. It displays a good amount of brilliance and comes in various colors, making it suitable for a wide range of jewelry designs.

“These alternatives offer a range of choices for individuals looking for diamond alternatives that fit their preferences and budget.”

Alternative Description
Lab-Grown Diamonds Lab-created diamonds that are visually and chemically the same as natural diamonds.
Cubic Zirconia A synthetic crystalline form of zirconium dioxide, resembling the look of a diamond but at a lower cost.
White Sapphire Colorless sapphire gemstone known for its durability.
YAG Synthetic gemstone with good brilliance and available in various colors.


In conclusion, when comparing moissanite and diamonds, there are significant differences to consider in terms of their origin, price, hardness, color, and brilliance. Moissanite offers a more affordable option, making it an attractive choice for those working with a budget. On the other hand, diamonds are known for their rarity and hold a special allure for many.

Both moissanite and diamonds possess unique qualities that can make them suitable choices, depending on personal preferences and financial considerations. When choosing between these gemstones for an engagement ring or other jewelry, it’s crucial to weigh individual factors and make an informed decision.

Ultimately, moissanite offers a cost-effective alternative to diamonds, allowing individuals to enjoy the beauty and elegance of a sparkling gemstone without breaking the bank. With advancements in moissanite production, colorless options such as Forever Brilliant moissanite and Forever One moissanite closely mimic the appearance of diamonds.

While diamonds maintain their status as a symbol of luxury and endurance, moissanite’s affordability and durability make it an appealing choice. Whether you opt for the timeless allure of a diamond or the affordability of moissanite, it’s important to select the gemstone that aligns with your personal style, values, and budget.


What is the difference between moissanite and diamond?

Moissanite and diamonds have key differences in origin, price, durability, brilliance, color, and certification.

Where does moissanite come from?

Moissanite is a lab-created gemstone made from silicon carbide. It was first discovered by Henri Moissan in a meteor crater.

How does the price of moissanite compare to diamonds?

Moissanite is significantly less expensive than diamonds of similar size and quality.

How is the color of moissanite compared to diamond?

Historically, moissanite had a yellowish or greenish tint, but advancements in moissanite production have led to the creation of high-quality colorless moissanite.

Which is harder, moissanite or diamond?

Diamonds are slightly harder than moissanite on the Mohs scale, but both stones are highly durable.

Does moissanite have more brilliance than diamonds?

Yes, moissanite often displays more brilliance than diamonds due to its double refractive nature.

Can moissanite be considered a diamond?

No, moissanite is considered a diamond alternative as it is a lab-grown gemstone made from silicon carbide.

How can you tell the difference between moissanite and diamond?

Experienced jewelers may be able to tell the difference, but there are also tester tools available. Moissanite has a higher refractive index and dispersion compared to diamonds, and it is also a conductor of electricity.

What are the advantages of moissanite over diamonds?

Moissanite has several advantages, including being significantly less expensive, having a high refractive index for exceptional brilliance, and being highly durable.

What are the disadvantages of moissanite compared to diamonds?

One disadvantage of moissanite is that it is not as rare as diamonds. Additionally, diamonds are slightly harder on the Mohs scale.

Are there other alternatives to diamonds?

Yes, other alternatives to diamonds include lab-grown diamonds, cubic zirconia, white sapphire, and yag.

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Last Update: February 7, 2024